Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

Tugas Softskill 1 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

My opinion : personal experience

my name is david, i studied at gunadarma university majoring in information system i have studied for 4 years on campus ini.dan this semester is final semester to get S1 degree. at the end of this semester i got the duty to tell personal experience with themed information system. I will explain a little about the development of information systems and technology this time.If we talk about technology, it certainly will not be endless and will not be separated from human life as long as humanity still exists, technology will continue to exist, technology will be the most important thing in life. Can we now know that more advanced and modern people are able to communicate orally and to document information in the form of writing and engraving both in the form of symbols and images, unlike in ancient times, documentation techniques of information was still very much easy, but may eventually continue to grow very fast until today. In fact, technology has existed since ancient times, the ancient Roman era. Technological developments have developed dramatically and continue to evolve today. To create objects, techniques that can help people in the process of something more efficient and faster. One of them is like Indonesia, that is the phenomenon of the Esemka car that has created a school in Solo. Has made national auto innovation for Indonesia. Also, in Sidoarjo there are ships for the needs of the sea. When we talk about technology, it certainly will not be endless and will not be disconnected from human life as long as humanity still exists, technology will continue to exist, technology will be the most important thing in the world To be alive Can we now know that more advanced and modern people are able to communicate orally and to document information in the form of writing and engraving in the form of both symbols and images, unlike ancient times, documentation techniques of information was still very much easy, but may eventually continue to grow very fast until today. In fact, technology has existed since ancient times, the ancient Roman era. Technological developments have developed dramatically and continue to evolve today. To create objects, techniques that can help people in the process of something more efficient and faster. One of them is like Indonesia, that is the phenomenon of the Esemka car that has created a school in Solo. Has made national auto innovation for Indonesia. There are also ships for the needs of the sea in Sidoarjo.
 In their simplest form, technological developments result from the development of old ways or the discovery of new methods to fulfill traditional tasks such as the cultivation of grain, the production of clothing or the construction of houses. Some of the communication tools used in ancient times still use tools that are very simple. After the Industrial Revolution, a lot of mechanical tools were found, including tools that are able to provide information more easily to be more effective and efficient. For example, at the beginning, people who are far from communicating through the letter then started the telegraph that day, with the development of so quickly finally finding a communication device commonly called a phone that can be used to far communicate. If we look at what is happening, we can imagine what could happen in the masses. The distance that separates will no longer be a hindrance, later the remote communication will be done with a three-dimensional hologram that is so real. Nowadays, there are many people who can use the robot tenga as an automatic tool of human labor and can correct the mistakes they make themselves.
The development of the technology itself has so far grown very fast. In the past, there were many areas that are beyond technology, and we can also feel the information technology that exists at the time. We can enjoy information technology according to our needs. The information we need by typing in the keyword we are looking for, then the information we need is displayed with a lot of information that can surely help us to get the information according to the needs.
This time, I'll tell you a little bit how hard it is to get into the main subjects of the information system, although I do not understand it from the start, but over time it will not be a burden anymore, let's talk further.
1. Department of Information System is not the main IT service provider
In this section, we do not learn how to improve your device or IT equipment. Here we are taught how to become a systems analyst. Loh, really like a scientist anyway? An analyst is the understanding of a program, because in this department we place more emphasis on the ability to develop software as hardware. This means that an analyst must skillfully understand the system of a program in order to create a program for a specific purpose.
So, it does not seem right to improve your IT equipment and visit it. Because usually those who take these majors do not care too much about the hardware. Some of them will be confused when asked to fix gadgets and the like. But if you have problems with laptop programs, software or other things that have anything to do with it, we are ready to help :)
2. Help social media hack my friend,
Some people think that this section will teach us to immerse themselves in their social media account. Well, such understanding is enough to turn some people into a misunderstanding. During this training, it is certainly not the hacking that is taught to us, because in this section we are taught professional ethics, and one of the things that is learned is that you do not use the technology for bad or specific purposes or can use.
So, if asked for hacker account friends, ex, even girlfriend even teacher, first needs can be seen. If there is an urgent need, support can be provided (follow the rules of professional ethics). But only to "please",
3. Do not boring learning ahead of the laptop?
Eitss! Do not get me wrong, guys. In fact, we learn something about the world of information and technology. But that does not mean that the world has learned just that. Information Systems also teaches us about management, leadership, organization, IT services and more. Loh, this department information system which business anyway?
Information systems not only teach us how to create a program, but also how to deal with others. Easier if it is a new service company. This company certainly uses system technology in it. Before the company starts working, it takes a systems analyst to analyze what processes the company is running. Later, this analyst will observe and learn how to know a company, how to get new customers, and how to channel the services. Science like this uses the management system. The lecture on this department feels so ready. Learn the technology, learn management, learn science komunikasinya.
4. Means later on working at the counter HP or so laptop repair service so yes?
Hmm, for the job, this department offers extensive employment. Not just limited in offices or connected to the organization. But we can also work in person. Depending on which field you want to work on. Many Information Systems graduates are solo careers. They open their own jobs and get involved, of course, hehe ...
However, if you decide to be an office worker, too can. It could be a systems analyst, an IT staff member, and of course much more. So do not think that this department just prints the service shop. But many more jobs can be gained because the learned science continues to grow and is not consumed by time.
So much of me. Just tell friends about my personal experiences. If there is one word less favorable, I am ready to accept criticism and suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read. Wait for the next article!



Pronouns are words that substitute for nouns.
Every pronoun must have a cleaantecedent (the word for which the pronoun stands).
A.   Personal Pronouns:  



1st person
my, mine
our, ours
2nd person
your, yours
your, yours
3rd person
her,  hers

their, theirs
Personal pronouns have the following characteristics:
1.  three persons (points of view)
       1st person - the one(s) speaking  (I  me my  mine  we  us our ours)
       2nd person - the one(s) spoken to  (you your yours)
       3rd person - the one(s) spoken about  (he  him  his  she her hers  it  its  they  their   
2.  three genders
       feminine  (she  her  hers)
       masculine (he  him  his)
       neuter  (it its  they them their theirs)

3.  two numbers
       singular (I  me  my  mine  you  your  yours  he  him  his  she  her  hers it its)
       plural  (we  us  our  ours  you  your yours  they  them  their  theirs

4.  three cases
      subjective (I  you  he  she  it  we  they)
      possessive  (my  mine  your  yours  his  her  hers  our  ours  their  theirs)
      objective   (me  you  him  her  it  us  them)

B. Demonstrative Pronouns:
n  Demonstrative pronouns can also be used as determiners.
    à These pronouns can be used only to reflect or intensify a word already there in the sentence.
E. Interrogative Pronouns
àInterrogative pronouns produce information questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” answer
à Relative pronouns introduce relative (adjectival) clauses.

1.    Person pronaoun : This is I. I am just an ordinary person
2.  Demonstrative Pronouns: and we can also feel the information technology that exists at the time.
3.  Reflexive / Intensive Pronouns : Some people think that this section will teach us to immerse themselves in their social media account
4.  Indefinite Pronouns :. Some people think that this section
5.  Interrogative Pronouns: ,really like a scientist anyway?
6.  Relative Pronouns: Depending on which field you want to work on.

so in conclusion, although many who say the department of information systems make dizzy but if we pass through with fun so feel relaxed and cool

Sources : https://webapps.towson.edu/ows/pronouns.htm

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